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Home Pregnancy Tests...

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BlunderBus01 | 05:36 Tue 06th Jul 2010 | Body & Soul
20 Answers
I don't want to go into too much detail but a little is necessary to get accurate answers... Two weeks ago my fiancee and I did what couples do. She has not yet had her period (she is not meant to until this coming weekend). But... She went for a gaenological examination and the doctor said 'your uterus is a little larger than it should be, have you had any recent pregnancies or is it possible you might be pregnant?' Since then, we have done three home pregnancy tests. EVERYONE A POSITIVE!!! :-) We're going to book a blood test. But, three false positives surely this is very very unlikely? What are the chances I'm a daddy??? :)


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A uterus 2weeks pregnant feels enlarged on clinical examination?.......nonsense.
If it is felt to be enlarged on examination then it is nothing to do with pregnancy.

I agree with Eddie....looks as though you are pregnant.
The chances are extremely high Blunder - better get shopping.......!
p.s. Congrats xx
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Really?! Almost impossible. So I'm going to be a dad?!?!?
It looks extremely likely - it's rare to get 3x false positive tests....
Blunderbus now knows he doesn't fire blanks.... you sound pretty happy so congrats
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HAHAHA! :) Yes, it was our very first try! I can't contain my happiness. I want to shout out so everybody knows! I'M GOING TO BE A DADDY! I feel so happy and so nervous at the same time! =)
Calm down pet there's a long way to go yet... at least being pleased about it is a good place to start...
its nice to hear some positivity around this pregnanacy,there are too many not so positive around some pregnancy,my son and his girfreind are trying for a family,but have no success,but have been refered , my daughter in law must take metaformin for a while,but has found it to expensive,so has stopped taken it so unfortunaly the baby plans are on hold,but they would be over the moon if she was able to get pregnant but without medication its not possible so congrats to you both.
Whoppee another AB recruit on the way, early days yet, but many congratulations!♥
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Thank you all so much for your kind comments! So... time for a fourth test?! ;)
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Another one bites the dust!!!! lolol, just kidding, congrats m8 :-))
congratulations i would most definatley say your going to be a daddy in 9 months :-) i dont think its possible to have a positive pregnancy test when you are not and the test dedect a hoemone that is only present while pregnacy.
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Surely it is still very early for an accurate test if her period is not due yet. Sorry, but what is the blood test for?
FYI two weeks before the period is the most fertile a woman can be!!!
Puzzled, I took a test 9 days after having sex and it was positive. I now have a 14 year old daughter, so it must've been fairly accurate.
my younger sister is in and out of the hospital a lot, and she had three false positive tests in a row, shes a virgin, and the tests came up positive.

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