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Dog Cataracts

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Glenbren | 14:02 Sat 24th Jan 2009 | Animals & Nature
19 Answers
We have arescue dog who has cataracts on both eyes.The vet said operations would be very costly. Does any one know anything else that could be done?


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I cant speak from experience, but have heard good feedback on these drops. ls.php
Unfortunately not. A cataract is a disruption in the structure of the lens in the eye, which leads to it becoming less transparent. The only way of completely resolving it is to remove the lens.

Most dogs cope quite well with limited vision - as long as they stay in the same environment and you don't rearrange furniture etc in the house, they seem to do quite well.
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I can concur with Noweia. My mum's Highland terrier is fifteen and totally blind with cateracts, but he knows his way around the house by smell and memory, so as long as nothing is moved, or placed in his way, he gets around just fine.
wow. if you really 'love' this animal sell your car, your tv, your clothes off your back. Y have you got a dog and cant take care of it?
My dog is now totally blind as a result of cararacts - she is now nearly eighteen but when her sight began toi deteriorate around six/seven years ago I did visit an animal surgery/hospital near Hereford to get all the gen. Regretably I've binned it now but from memory it is possible to remove cataracts in dogs now (new technology) - difficulty has been the shape of the lens on dogs is different to that of humans hence the difficulty. I decided against it because it involved keeping her on a lead for six months, no playing or head shaking etc -will continue on another post
virtually no real exercise -although around 12 then she is a collie and very active. Had she been younger I may have had it done (cost then about �2000) but felt six months out of her life at that age was a long time. I have move house very recently and she has coped really well - no probs- I just make a point of never leaving anything on the floor and padding any sharp corners with cushions.As sight loss is gradual, she adapted well - loss of sight through trauma is different. Good luck and keep us posted.
I suppose you loved your dog then Grav!!
well i could have quit my job and moved back to the uk. at a cost of 30k per year salary and i have a child on the way. i just hope that evil mirella found a good home
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Thanks everyone for your replies, and thanks especially to kitesurfer !!!!!!!!!!!!!
That evil Mirrela as you call her had no choice,she just couldn't cope, at least she did what was right for Leila and found her a happy home, I think it's your fault for leaving her to cope alone, I don't think you cared enough for the dog in the first place otherwise you wouldn't have left.
i was going to work abroad for 1 year so i could pay off my morgage and then start a business. you dont know the full story so i would prefer you dont try upset me. i thought you were a nice person
I am a nice person! but you've obviously made a new life for yourself and left poor mirela to cope with Leila which she couldn't do and you keep having a go at her, what choice did she have. It probably broke her heart having to find her another home, what could she have done?
Sorry other posters we seem to have gone off the subject here.
gelda that was the agreement. but i found out something about my life expectancy and she finished me, met guys for sex and then gave leila away. you couldnt be more wrong fool!
how come these posts get hijacked?
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Not sure what was going on
Glenbren, just read the sensible answers, and ignore the hijacker. It happens all the time on this site.
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<harry hill mode=off>

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