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External Hard Drive

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rossoneri | 00:53 Sat 29th Nov 2008 | Computers
2 Answers
I dont have alot of memory left on my hard drive so i was wondering if its possible to use an external hard drive to use applications without having them installed on my hard drive.

In other words is it possible to use an external hard drive as a normal hard drive?


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If you just want to run a few separate programs that don't need installing you can get away with running them from the ext drive but once you use the ones that need installing you need an operating system to run them.
You can instruct programs to store their files on an ext drive but that defeats the purpose.

Why not just shift some of your info to the ext HDD and if it is a biggie, save your videos and music there.
For the price of decent sized hard drives nowadays it is hardly worthwhile mucking about. Even laptop HDDs are getting cheap. Treat yourself to a big one for Xmas and include it as a storage drive in your desktop tower.
If you don't know how to install it, take the cover of the tower and take the thing with you when you buy a new HDD. Ask if they'll put it in if you buy one. Once the cover is off it should take a whole 60 seconds. If they don't pop it in for free go somewhere else. Power to the consumer and all that.

What a good answer, i`m very wary of trying to install an internal hard drive, I don`t understand jumpers, master ,slave etc. This would be ideal solution for me.
All I`ve managed inside a computer up to now, is to install ram and to clean. Wish I could do more though.

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