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bites the dust

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zigzag | 02:41 Thu 08th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
why do they do it?


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Because they can...
say whut...?
What's this "they" business.....How do you know there's more than one eating dirt? Anyway, a peck of dirt a day will keep the doctor away. Apples is good also.
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good call stewey
i'll reminisce on that
Has the thread between Steve and Dot disappeared ?
I've tried twice to post an answer and it's gone wrong xx
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history peppy
Glad you like it, zigzag, thanks. Snagged, what do you think of the conversation we had last night with that opium character? little weird eh?
Novice here, but got REALLY fired up in favour of Steve.
Why was the thread pulled,bin on wrong side of frustrated old biddy meself, cost me 25,000 to sell house next to her.
Someone explain wot happened then i'll leave it alone xxxxx
Hey stewey... sure was... at first it was amusing but later (if you followed it) it turned very strange... verging on scary!

I'm not sure if Opiates was winding us up, under the influence or off her head...
ahh, i get yah.

good one was it? i miss all the fun...humph!
peppy... stevie is alright in my book...
You're right, snagged: sot of a Jekyll and Hyde situation. She implied that she's working for the prison system. I hope they disbar her! Anyway, talk to you again.......Thanks for the space, zigzag!..........Good night.
Me too Joko. I come here and am constantly in a 'wtf?' state of mind..
This response is for peppy, as a novice, at what point did you ever learn enough about me personally to feel it is necessary to insult me in such a snide way by suggesting i may be a frustrated old diddy, obvioiusly as a novice you have taken time on here to learn my age, state of mind and personality, have made an incorrect asumption based on a typed conversation and chosen to be insulting. you are not a very pleasant person and you make immature uninformed personal comments, i can tell that just from reading your contribution on that one post alone, am I correct?

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bites the dust

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