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Times Book Of Crosswords

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barnaclebill58 | 17:52 Wed 11th Aug 2021 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Another day of bafflement. Please explain these to me.
1. Logs here the start of presidential route . Ans Cabin . Best guess is that in order to run for president , they have to sign some papers in a log cabin but Mr Google doesn't support this.
2.Right line I must follow in appealing to get cracking. Ans Look lively (appealing to get cracking) . No idea
The two below I asked yesterday but I didn't get a response. Second time lucky?
3. Perhaps loosening tie that may be too tight. Ans Granny knot . A granny knot can become undone but can't get the "may be too tight" bit.
4. Meant to play an essential part in organisation's structure. Ans Inbuilt. No idea.


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2. 'Ok' (right) 'l(ine)' 'I' in 'lovely' (appealing)
2 ok (right) l (line) inside lovely (cracking)
Yes - lovely = appealing
probably not relevant but Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin

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Times Book Of Crosswords

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