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Lupin - Following On From Sqad’s Post In January.

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hellywelly4 | 18:08 Fri 18th Jun 2021 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
I’ve just watched both series and have nothing but praise for the whole production. I watched the dubbed version which I’ve never done before, and was a bit dubious about it, but soon got used to it. There is to be a series 3; don’t know when though. Brilliant and quite quirky if that’s the right word.


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I'm waiting til I have the time to binge series 2. I thoroughly enjoyed the first series.
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You won’t be disappointed.
The absolutely enormous plot hole in the first series didn't bother you then?
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I saw that mentioned but didn't understand what was meant by it. The only thing I could think of was that he was black, but that didn't affect the story at all.(imo).
Being black is not a plot hole. Being a hacking genius who doesn't think to digitise and back up a video recording, then hand over the original to a potentially hostile organisation, and be shocked when it's sabotaged. That's a plot hole. I'm not a computer genius, but even I would know to make multiple backups, both to external devices and multiple cloud storage sites.

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