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Charity Christmas Puzzle 2020

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Matakari | 12:25 Mon 04th Jan 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Happy New Year to all!
Going over my puzzle, but have doubts about the following: 20(A), 21(B), 33(B). Some help/confirmation with parsing, please! Many thanks in advance!

(A)_ QUI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMA _ _ _ _ _ ROT _ _
20. … ‘Finlandia’ (‘Near it’), ‘The …
I have EQUIDISTANCE but cannot parse it.

_ _ ORN (B) _ _ RFE _ _ _ _ ORO _ _
21. … Nutcracker Suite’. …
I have PERFECT but cannot parse it.

_ _ CID _ _ _ (B) _ _ GHT _ _ _ DUN _ _ _ _
33. ‘West Side Story’ genre …
I have RIGHT but cannot parse it.


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Nut = Acorn
Cracker =Perfect
Suite ( sweet) Amoroso.
West =Occident
Side =Right

When you compare your score with previous years does it feel right when it's not your own work. I am just asking not criticising
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Thanks, Spotty Dog, I got the answers,but needed confirmation.
What about 20 A? ( EQUIDISTANCE)?

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Charity Christmas Puzzle 2020

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