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Ipad Problem

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Milo2 | 08:53 Sun 28th Jun 2020 | Technology
4 Answers
When I use my IPad, I keep getting a pop up that says it is from Sky but the website address is strange. In the background is a message telling me that I can be one of the lucky winners of a prize. There is also a pop up asking me to complete a survey. The problem is that it keeps re-appearing. I’ve tried clearing the website data and history and a soft reset. Is there anything else I can do?


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Is it whilst you’re on AB? It happens a lot and it’s to do with the adverts. Email the ed with a screenshot (he’ll need to see the web address) so that he can sort it.
Milo , try clearing the cache in settings, it’s a scam , I often got but thankfully it’s ceased
Try Adblock see if that helps ?
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Thank you for your replies. It happens on AB and other sites, rockyracoon. Bobbi Sox, I think clearing history and website data is the same as clearing the cache on an IPad and I’ve had to do this each time it appears. I haven’t done the survey as I also think it is a scam. Hopefully, as you say it might stop but is very irritating. Thanks again for your replies.

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