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Car Insurance Cancelled By Insurers

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feebee102 | 11:24 Wed 29th Apr 2020 | Insurance
14 Answers
My son insured his van back in March via an insurance broker called QuoteLine Direct, his insurance eventually was with Bollington insurance for a total sum of £560.62 which was paid in full.
Yesterday he received a letter stating that his policy had been cancelled due to having 0 years no claims. He does have no claims . They stated it was because he had another vehicle which his no claims is being used on that . This is untrue. He does occasionally use his partners car but he is just a named driver on her policy.
When he was filling in the forms they asked if he had access to another vehicle which he stated he had.
They are now only refunding £200 out of the total paid to them and said it will take 60 days for him to receive it.
Is this legal or a scam
Also he has my husband as a named driver on the policy but had to fill in on the form all my husbands driving licence details which I’ve never heard before when listing a named driver
Just need advice before we phone up and kick off
Many thanks


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I think these together with the answers you got on the other forum you posted the problem on probably cover it. One thing that has not been mentioned as far as I can see. If he does get this resolved he needs to ensure that all references of the policy having been cancelled by the insurers are expunged. If not he will have to declare, forever, that he has had a policy...
16:20 Wed 29th Apr 2020
Could it be that someone has used his name to take out insurance? Does he have a fairly common name such that the insurance company/broker has confused him with someone else?
I'd ring them but try to establish the reasoning before thinking of 'kicking off'.
They should be able to give you the details of the other vehicle they claim he has.
I think he’ll have to contact them direct for them to give that info.
Did he earn his no claims driving the van? Has he had his own car insured this year at any time?
Firstly QuoteLine Direct is a trading name of Bollington Insurance, this is clearly stated on the home page of Quoteline's website. Bollington is a reputable insurance company so he has not been scammed.
I have had to give driver licence details of named drivers on my insurance so this is common practice.
It shouldn't take 60 days to receive the refund so that needs to be questioned.
Your son should make a note of his questions and concerns then phone the company. They won't deal with you or his dad. He needs the details of the second vehicle they say he has.

He needs to read the policy to see the refund policy
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No he hasn’t earned his no claims previously on the vehicle. No other vehicle is insured in his partners name.
And barry1010 you don’t see the policy agreement till after you’ve taken the policy out which didn’t arrive in actual written form till after the 14 day cooling off period. A bit of a coincidence me thinks .
And if you look up QuoteLine directs reviews ( in hindsight we wish we had done before ) 93% list them as bad with most of them siting the reason exactly the same as our problem.
barry1010 you must be the only person who was the 1% who thought they where good . By any chance do you or any one you know work for them
I didn't say they were good, I said they were reputable inasmuch as they are a genuine company and not scammers. No, I don't work for them. The 14 day cooling off period that is legally binding starts when the documents are received or cover begins, whichever is later, so he was entitled to cancel the insurance when he read the contract.
I don't know what their refund policy is.
how did he earn his NCD?
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He earned his no claims discount from last year when he had his own car and has a letter from previous insurers stating this
well if he has proof, great he just needs to get his ducks in a row (paperwork about the wife's insurance too) and call them
All insurance companies use a plethora of small print to escape their obligations - they're in business to make a profit, not to help policyholders. Nevertheless, good luck with your challenge, make a BIG fuss (a strategy I've used successfully in the past - most give in after their de rigeur initial try-on or two).
I think these together with the answers you got on the other forum you posted the problem on probably cover it. One thing that has not been mentioned as far as I can see. If he does get this resolved he needs to ensure that all references of the policy having been cancelled by the insurers are expunged. If not he will have to declare, forever, that he has had a policy cancelled. It is a standard question on all proposals "have you ever had a motor policy cancelled?" (or words to that effect). Answering "yes" will at best see a hefty increase in the premium and at worst see cover being declined altogether. Certainly in the short term most popular insurers are likely to decline cover, making it necessary for him to go to a specialist broker, who will charge an arm and both legs for cover.
Thank you for sharing!

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