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Severe Knee And Ankle Pain

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gordiescotland1 | 22:18 Wed 27th Nov 2019 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
Hi there I have oesteoarthritis in my right knee an X-ray in January revealed the patella was fine but the space between top of the knee and thigh was riddled with arthritis. The last week the pain has been absolutely horrendous on 8 cocodamol a day 30/500 and deep heat no pain relief at night. My knee is quite swollen not hurt it or anything but is there a connection between the ankle pain and the knee pain! I'm hoping the patella has started to deteriorating so I can get a new knee. Mother thinks the cold damp weather is causing this ???


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Just to encourage you in your intention to lose weight let me tell you of someone who recently lost 24kg in less than 9 months, Quite a change from the time we last saw him more than a year ago - he said he decided it was time to get a grip when he hit 100kg in weight. He still eats exactly the same food he always has, just less of it - he says he simply counts the calories. He showed us a graph of his weight and from starting his weight reduction it was a straight line relentlessly down from then until now.

It is well known that eating more than one burns leads to weight increase and the other known feature is that a firm decision to lose weight is all it takes to succeed.
My uncle had similar problems. He end up with amputation of leg due to bone cancer caused by too much inflamation for too long.
You are suffering from osteoarthritis. It causes pain, stiffness and joint tenderness. You might also observe swelling around the joint. You need to consult your physician for appropriate treatment.

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Severe Knee And Ankle Pain

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