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Ct And Mri Scans

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albaqwerty | 19:31 Mon 10th Jun 2019 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
further to my question

just an update.

Mr Alba had an MRI scan this morning which showed arteries all clear.
Very good.
Speech therapist is pleased with him, as was I this afternoon.
Seems to have recovered a huge amount compared to Friday and Saturday.

He wants home tomorrow, hospital want him for a few more days tho.
The infernal waiting game continues but it could have been so much worse and I'm grateful it wasn't.


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Feedback much appreciated.
So pleased to hear this, Albs. Hope he continues to improve soon x
Have they made any doctor type noises about a diagnosis?
Question Author
it's the least I could do sqad, you've always been most helpful and giving of your time re. medical matters, and it's appreciated. (you're getting a couple of xx's just cos I can !) xx

Thanks Patsy xx

Wolfie, a stroke is all they're saying. However, there is talk of them wanting a few more tests done.
Glad that there is good improvement, hope he can come home soon. xx
Great news Alba, must have been such a worry for you all .
I am pleased that it is so good news
He'll be back home with you all in a day or two, alba.
Aw, Tony....has the man not suffered enough?....;-) know I wish you all the best and that things improve rapidly.... Gx
Very encouraging news, so pleased for you all. xxx
Question Author
good news, he'll be home shortly. Well, within the next hour I hope.
Older son has gone to his rescue.

Thank you kindly for your good wishes xxxx

Gness, he's a masochist, he's coming back here, not like he did when he was coming home after 1st day back at work after honeymoon, but that's a different story :-D
Hope mr. Alba is home and not too grumpy Alba :’)

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Ct And Mri Scans

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