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Can Bojo Get It This Time?

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ToraToraTora | 14:31 Thu 16th May 2019 | News
51 Answers
Personally I'd prefer Raab but I think Bojo will take some stopping. Anyway until Brexit is resolved there is no point in changing Treason.


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it;s an "'ommidge" to another fred ?
blimey that is why there are so many Brexit threads - per day xoz they are all homages to each other
yeah right

can BoJo get it this time ?

everyone of course has answered this as if it were:
can BoJo get it in this time ?

yeah of course he can: he has had lots of practice
( that was an homage to the Sextator scandal of 20 y ago )
Yes, khandro... so far the aim seems to be "how can we look as if we have left without actually doing so..."
Which was never going to be effective.
if Bojo gets it,
will he put his hand on his heart ( please calm down boys and girls ) on his heart or where his heart is meant to be

and say - well I screwed my way to the top ?
You need to read my links, Khandro. Boris is the same as the rest of them. Pledge allegiance to the flag, whatever flag they offer.
Express opinion poll; Bojo for leader, but little confidence in the party, a sort of captain on the Raft of the Medusa:
According to the latest news Bojo is just ahead of Sajid Javid, but many MP's are threatening to force an election to stop him.
Danny, according to the bookies Bojo is 11/5 whereas Javid is 18 to 1 (thank God)
Khandro, just quoting what was on Global News at 8am.
Perhaps Global News is trying to scare more people to vote for Boris :0)
Khandro, the Mail also has Javis as his closest rival, and with MP's plotting against Bojo I don't give him much chance of becoming PM.

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