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sorry, it was a newspaper article when i saved it!
You almost need a microscope to see it! Must have been a right drongo who spotted it.

I have to admit that it is one of the many words that I struggle to spell correctly. I use spell-check, maybe the Australians should try it.
Was this just a ploy to boost the economy, those notes will be worth a lot more to collectors.
Prudie, with 46 million in circulation I doubt that they will be worth any more than face value.
46m of them?
Sorry ^ was to Prudie. Making the same point as Danny.
Prudie is correct. They will be worth a fair bit. there are 46 million of them, but they will be recalled, collected, and burned. The ones that won't, will be the ones that have been put aside. I wonder how many will be put aside.

100 years they may be worth a fair chunk. I will keep watching pawn stars and wait till they surface.
If you look closely it is misspelled wrongly 3 times.
....and it took six months for anyone to notice the mistake...

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Australian Bank Note

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