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soliloquy | 22:48 Tue 30th Oct 2018 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
On Emmerdale tonight, when Moira went to confront Graeme, she told him that she knew he had planned to kill Joe. How did she know?


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Cain told her everything earlier.
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Yes, Cain told her that he had killed Joe. But Cain didn't know that Graeme was going to kill Joe.
Yes, he did. Graham (correct spelling in this case) said to Cain..."you've saved me a job"
Incidentally, am I the only one who thinks Joe may not be dead...or, is that too daft an idea?
He's in the shower talking to Bobby Ewing
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I missed that, gingebee. Rather a silly thing for the cautious, careful Graham (spelling correction noted!) to say. With regard to Joe not being dead, I had the subtitles on and when Graham came back to the car minus Joe, it said something like "Sound of rustling water" - which I took to mean that the sound of the water was significant and the body had been dumped in the river.
I dont think Joes dead either. They're probably leaving it open so that the actor can return at a later date if he wishes.
Sorry all, but I read somewhere a couple of weeks ago that he is, definitely dead.
I missed the bit where Cain hit Joe and didn't realise he was still alive when he was put in the car. So maybe he could come back at some point (although being dead didn't stop Dirty Den or Bobby Ewing from being resurrected).

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