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Brexit Vote Watchdog Got Law Wrong

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ChillDoubt | 15:35 Fri 14th Sep 2018 | News
20 Answers

Oh dear. Is this body fit for purpose, or was it just a witch hunt by Remoaner personnel within the watchdog?


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the VB will do anything to keep us in their beloved EUSSR
Too quick to believe Vote leave were in the wrong and therefore interpreted the law to fit its purpose.

That doesn’t surprise me in the least.
// was it just a witch hunt by Remoaner personnel within the watchdog? //

Probably the opposite. They originally gave the dodgy Grimes money the green light. It was only when politicians queried that advice that the EC realised it was in breach of the rules. If no one had challenged them, Vote Leave would have got away with over-spending.
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If no one had challenged them, Vote Leave would have got away with over-spending.
But as I read it the watchdog misinterpreted their own rules, so Vote Leave wouldn’t have ‘got away with’ anything as there was nothing to get away with!
Ah but Gromit knows they’re guilty even though it transpires they aren’t.
neither ( are they crap at their job or are they Brexit aliens)

there is a reasonable expectation that the electoral commission will do um its job. - if they get it wrong then they dont get their arms cut off ( altho you may feel they should )

when the appeal court is overturned by the supreme court
you dont re-educate the appeal judges in "proper judgement boot camp" or slit their throats

The elec commissioin answered ( it said) a what-if question
The tax man wont do that ( try it and see what we say afterwards) and I dont think the police do either ....
// But as I read it the watchdog misinterpreted their own rules, so Vote Leave wouldn’t have ‘got away with’ anything as there was nothing to get away with!//

jesus chilldo - dont become a Trump adviser or you'll get him impeached !
Matters little. They need to refund any fines imposed, apologise, and let sleeping digs lie. It's well known the remain side had government add to it's campaign with uncosted leaflets anyway; yet still the sensible argument won through regardless.
Clear witch-hunt.

No surprise there are no depths remoaners wont sink to.
Should definitely investigate the £9m tax payers money spent on remoaner propaganda.

Young Mr Grimes wivvart a penny to his name
spends half a mill on Vote Leave

and the Leave campaign say - Dear Mr grimes - would you like half a million pounds ?

and nice young Mr Grimes says O yes please !

and Vote Leave try to say that this £500 000 is not an expense , to wit it is a donation !

High Court held the orignal determination that it was OK was NOT OK and it was obviously a n expense

The remoaners learned the EUSSR lessons well. Make the rules up as you go along, to fit your agenda.
Sorry PP What The Funicular u on about?
// as I read it the watchdog misinterpreted their own rules, //

Wrong. Electoral Law is made by the Government not the Electoral Commission (EC). The EC is there to oversee that the law is being ahered to. In this case, they were clearly very lenient on Vote Leave and believe the huge bung they gave to Grimes was legit, when it clearly wasn’t. When the mistake was pointed out, the EC did a rapid U-turn. Clearly it is a shambles when the EC gives out wrong information. When it favours one side, it is easy to suspect the initial decision to side with Vote Leave was politically influenced, particularly as the spirit of the law was forbid exactly these type of bungs to by-pass the spending rules.
Even now the poor misguided leave voters , do not know what they voted for.
" Forgive them Father they know not what they do"
gawd elp us TVI has turned into the messiah!
Good morning TGT.
Lol Gulliver as usual hasn’t an intelligent answer.

Thank you Gulliver for being the comic interlude.
Cassa, I think you can get Tablets for your problem , go and see a doctor before its too late.

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Brexit Vote Watchdog Got Law Wrong

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