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Boundary Dispute

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tamborine | 04:02 Sat 28th Oct 2017 | Law
15 Answers
further to neighbour's shed; he has got solicitors threatening me with Court action if I dont respond to their letter! He wants a vehicle access at rear of his shed (he has front access only) and rear would incorporate 250sq mts of my land. His solicitors demand surveyors draw up the boundary (in his favour - no doubt) and register same with LR, to stop me knocking down fences he puts on my land.

Must I respond to his solicitors as am happy with boundary as it is on LR OS map dated Sept 2017. Can he change the OS map at LR without my consent?


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OS maps do NOT show property boundaries. They only show topographic features (which might coincide with property boundaries). They're derived from aerial imaging, which identifies fences and other features, but they're produced without any input from the Land Registry, so there's no way that they can indicate legal boundaries. Quote: "Ordnance...
04:51 Sat 28th Oct 2017
Tambo....this sounds like one for the lawyers. What does your Solicitor say about this ?
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my solicitor says this is a costly dispute that could run up to £150k+ with no recourse for costs Ive had 30mins free previously and they agreed the land in my favour on OS map.
OS maps do NOT show property boundaries. They only show topographic features (which might coincide with property boundaries). They're derived from aerial imaging, which identifies fences and other features, but they're produced without any input from the Land Registry, so there's no way that they can indicate legal boundaries.

"Ordnance Survey mapping shows topographical features that existed on the ground at the time of the survey. They are multi-purpose maps and the detail shown on them is not intended to represent property boundaries"


See here for further information about property boundary agreements (or the lack of them):
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Thanx for research Chris. I'll wait for LR contact & save on legal costs for now.
Do not the deeds to your house show the boundaries
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Yes danny but only show outline of my land pre neighbors shed. OS map shows neighbours shed recently built against my land.
He cannot acquire any part of your land that is covered by your deeds.
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Neighbor claims boundary/hedgerow was overgrown onto his site. His shed is built up to my boundary line stopping any plant overgrowth.
Why should you prove the land is yours? you know where your boundary's are, let him prove they are not, they have the issue not you.

Can't you just reply saying that you are not interested in selling?
Or if you do want to sell just tell them to quote a price.
The advantage is with you, you own the land, he wants to buy it, all that remains is to set a price. Get his solicitor to draw up a plan of what he wants to buy, so it cost's you nothing, and then agree a price.
I am sure there is no legal action he could take , he can't force you to sell if you don't want to. You can safely just ignore the solicitors letter.
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Neighbor says his surveyor confirms land is his & the OS map is wrong.

As his solicitors are in Bristol I dont relish court so far away, nor cba to reply to their letter.
I think you need your own survey to see if the land is yours or his.
I was assuming that it was your land and he was just trying to force you to sell it.
^ or just use Chris's link !

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Boundary Dispute

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