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Bernie | 09:25 Wed 25th Oct 2017 | Crosswords
14 Answers
1a. Gofer on the canvas (4,3,6)???? The ?f???E
1d. Restrictions (4)??c?
17a Exacting (7)a?s?d?e
Many thanks


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austere ?
Bernie, is Gofer correct?
Question Author
Yes. Gofer is given. I think its meaning is one who runs errands.i have heard it before."go for"
Ta Bernie.
Are you guessing at "the" or is it certain ?
Question Author
3d.strong gale (5,4.) I have Trade Wind. This is where I got the d in 17a. Austere looks good Any alternative suggestion for Trade Wind the 4 letter part being ?i?e if austere is right
Question Author
'The 'may not be right but 3 d I had trade wind in
looks good Danny
-- answer removed --
oops wrong thread ^^ soz
Question Author
Would 'runs for office be right's. A gofer is a slang for runner??
Maybe Tout for office which would give a't' for 1d, Ties?

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