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Cooking Roast Beef

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queen 1954 | 01:37 Thu 24th Dec 2015 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
i have a 2kg joint of topside for boxing day.i like it well done but in the past it always comes out as tough as old boots lol.not sure where im going wrong but would like to get it right this year as i have guests so any tips would be welcome and a happy christmas to you all :)


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queen 1954 - I'm like you and prefer it well done .. have a look at this Do make sure to let the joint 'rest' after cooking (and I've never bothered with a meat thermometer).
02:00 Thu 24th Dec 2015
Try cooking it for a shorter time queen. Well done (ruined,in my opinion :-) tends to make roast beef tough, and it has less taste.
queen 1954 - I'm like you and prefer it well done .. have a look at this

Do make sure to let the joint 'rest' after cooking (and I've never bothered with a meat thermometer).
Cook for a shorter time and let it rest for longer, wrapped loosely in foil.
Well done beef will always be like leather. Cook for less time, then wrap in foil to rest it
Try 30 mins per pound so for kilo's that is approx. 2 hours at 180.

Remove and cover with tin foil and several tea towels and leave to rest for about an hour the juices will be taken back and should keep it tender.
Queen. Make sure the joint is a room temperature before even starting. Season and oil, sear all over in a hot frying pan. Transfer to hot oven for 20 mins. Now for my little trick. Dissolve an oxo cube in a mug of boiling water and add to the roasting tin. Turn the oven down and carry on roasting for a further hour and a half, basting the meat frequently. I add peeled shallots at the same time as the oxo liquid but that is just an option.
I was about to say that you don't seem to be doing anything wrong, your description is of well done beef.

If ensuring that the centre of the meat isn't pink is the aim then I've two suggestions. a) Cut the meat into smaller bits so that the heat more easily penetrates the centre. b) Cook for longer at a lower temperature so the outside doesn't toughen before the centre's done.
The Caribbean style of cooking goat makes any red meat cooked the same way retain its juicest and become tender.
Basically the joint is put in a close-fitting pot, seasoned and water is added to cover it, finish with a tight lid.
Because of the quantity of water you need to adjust the cooking time. Don't drown it - you're aiming for a container just a little bigger than the joint of meat.
You can throw in some onion and carrot if you like.
This can be cooked on a low heat for a long time, just keep checking till it's done to your liking. It won't burn or be dry when done, and you'll have some rich stock for gravy.
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thank you for all your tips,im determined to get it right this time :)
I've just cooked 1.5 kilos of Aberdeen Angus topside for one hour plus 30 mins resting - absolutely perfect, juicy and tender. Whoever suggested 2 hours must like dry, tough beef.

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Cooking Roast Beef

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