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renewing my ESTA for the US

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Dee Sa | 11:16 Fri 28th Jan 2011 | Travel
5 Answers
I recieved ae mail on 3/1/11 telling me that my Esta expires in 30 days, I established this was a genuine e mail and not a scam and yesterday the 27/1/11 I tried to renew it, typed in the Esta numbermy details etc and it kept coming up VISA APPROVED UNTIL 29/1/11 but it would not let me renew or go to the part where you pay the £15.
what am I doing wrong odo I have to wait until after the 29/1/11.


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Current authorizations can not be extended. Go to, follow the instructions to answer all of the required questions and submit a NEW APPLICATION for travel authorization - just like you did the first time you applied.

... from
How long does an ESTA last naz? Sorry for butting in Dee Sa
It last for two years or until the life of the passport if that is less than two years.
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will try again, first time the travel agent did it when we booked the tickets, just thought it would save time if I did it !Many thanks
It is a valid email. I got one shortly before my ESTA expired (as my passport was about to expire). I wonder why they are unable to send you confirmation of your ESTA and the big long number when you first apply but they can send you reminders when it is about to expire?

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renewing my ESTA for the US

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