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bulding in London.

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ELMAJORI | 18:00 Sat 29th May 2010 | Travel
6 Answers
Just back from a break in London. Was on the London Eye and could pick out a few landmarks, but there was one I could not identify. It was near the Gherkin and quite tall but had an angled roof. Can anyone help?


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30 Crown Place?
21:24 Sat 29th May 2010
Question Author
Thank you so much Panic Button I have checked my photographs against 30 Crown Place and they match. To be very honest I have never heard of 30 Crown Place but as they say you learn something new every day.
Very much obliged
it's new. Lots of eccentric buildings going up in London now.

I had never heard of it either.

Good old Google Earth, with its 3D building pictures.

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bulding in London.

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