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Coloured Planes

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fruitsalad | 16:21 Wed 18th Nov 2020 | Travel
20 Answers
Does anyone remember the different coloured Planes, and what they were called, and also what happened to them.


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Do you mean BA when they painted all the tails of their planes
Well, I'm glad that you could make some sort of sense of this question, Calmck. I certainly couldn't!

Assuming that Calmck has got it right, see here for a full history of the designs, together with pictures:
The only thing I could think of apart from Easy Jet being orange but tha seemed too simplistic. I think other overseas airlines paint their planes different colours and Virgin is prenominately red.
I do recall one airline (Qantas?) advertising Lord Of The Rings on at least one of it's aircraft. Other than that, the only coloured planes i recall seeing are the ones in children's story books:-)
Budgie ?
Chopper not hairy plane:-)
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No the planes were all different colours all over the bodywork, greens, blues, yellows, you would need to be of a certain age to remember.
Greens and yellows? That's camouflage, fruitsalad :-))
did they all belong to the same airline?
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Yes jno they all belonged to the same airline, they obviously went out of business a long time ago.
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No ubasses none of those, but thanks for the link, If I eventually find out which company it was I will be sure to put it on this post.
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The Penny's just dropped they were called Court Line, and based only at Luton Airport I believe.
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They also had them in pink :)
I don'tb remember them, here is something about them.
Are you thinking of Braniff ?
Don't recall Court Line, nor the pastel colours. Maybe one needed to be near Luton at the time.
Many years ago I knew someone who used to fly for Court Line. She was the most outrageous crew member I ever knew and that was in the face of stiff competition.

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Coloured Planes

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