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microsoft office excel and word

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janetla | 21:58 Tue 23rd Feb 2010 | Technology
7 Answers
I have a copy of the latest Microsoft office (2007) on my laptop. There are loads of things that I never use and I want to transfer office and excel to my netbook without all the other stuff. I can put it onto a usb drive from the laptop and then transfer from there. Dont know how to get just the bits I need onto the usb drive. I wouldnt bother but there are some things I need to do while away on holiday, that need to be sent into my office, they only have microsoft office in their system and anything created in works wont open (or so they say). I dont want to clutter up the netbook with stuff I dont need.


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Even if it were legally possible, it's simply not possible to transfer most software from one PC to another in that way. You have to use the original installation disks, and even then comply with the license agreement.
You can't just copy bits of Office across (or even all of it).
You need to install it from the DVD. You might be able to do this by sharing the DVD drive on the laptop, then connecting to it via your network.
A better idea would be to download and install OpenOffice on the netbook, then configure it to save its file in Office format by default.
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I cant install it from the dvd since netbooks dont have a drive. The product I have is licenced to me for use on three computer, I have it on only one. I have considered open office but am uncertain if files created using this will open in systems which only have microsoft office 2007. I had this a few years ago and did have some problems but of course it may have been that I was doing something wrong
"I cant install it from the dvd since netbooks dont have a drive."
That's whey I suggested "sharing the DVD drive on the laptop, then connecting to it via your network."
Do as Rojash suggests - DVD shared on one PC, mapped as network drive on t'other.

There is no problem moving files between Open Office and MS Office.

I think your work is very unreasonable making you do stuff on holiday - and for claiming Works files cannot be opened (they can).
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Actually its an assignment rather than work - for some study I am going and the reason I have to do it on holiday is because I am rather behind with it and wont get it finished before I leave. It will keep me occupied on the plane since this is very boring anyway but I will obviously then have to send it in. I believe myself that works documents can be changed to make them open in word 2007 format they are just too lazy to bother and expect to be able to look at it easily without messing about. I could take the laptop but the netbook it just so little and light for carting about on planes - what with all the restrictions nowadays on baggage. I am going to download open office and do some test runs

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