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converting WMV to MPEG

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keg | 18:54 Tue 09th Nov 2004 | Technology
4 Answers
i have downloaded lots of files but they are in WMV format, other files i have downloaded in MPEG files work on my DVD player. can i conver these files from WMV to MPEG. Thanks


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This is a great site for all your PC video queries: . If you go to the "convert" area and tell the search engine what you want to convert to/from, you normally get quite a few options. Most of them will involve downloading (usually free) software, and sometimes it can be a bit complex!


I'm sure there are pieces of freeware that will do the trick too, but I have had great success with Winavi: (the license is $29.95, though).

Forgot to add:


The "tools" area at videohelp will list suitable software - it looks like TMPGEnc will do it and is free. (I don't find it very user-friendly, personally speaking).


What you need is a piece of software commonly known as a 'Ripper'.


There are plenty of free ones here:


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converting WMV to MPEG

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