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Back-up Hard Drive

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Bendy | 17:46 Wed 07th May 2008 | Technology
5 Answers
I need to back-up my hard drive as I have been told by my warranty people to reset my computer to factory settings as their is a problem with my on button which keeps flicking before it will let me turn it on. I have bought a Maxtor bASICS 250GB external hard drive from Maplins to do this. I have the tried to back-up using Norton Ghost. It goes through the process and just when I think it's doing the last bit this message pops up: Error EC8F17B3 cannot complete copying of HP-PAVILION (c\) DRIVE. Anyone help me out here? Thanks in advance.


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Does it work as a drive in it's own right? Why not simply copy the files you want over (copy not move, as if anything goes wrong you won't lose anything. Then just delete from your computer.

I have been using externals for years this way.
If files are already in use on your C drive then you may not be able to copy them.
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Thanks again both, will give it a go.
bendy ... you don't need .... or want to backup your entire HDD.

when you use the recovery disc (or f11) it will reinstate your copy of windows in a few minutes .... with clean original windows files

what it won't do is replace your letters, music, videos ... and everything else YOU have created or saved....
that's what you need to backup. /what.mspx
google backup PC and look on a few sited ..... be certain BEFORE you do the deed ... 'cause there is no going back if you forget something.

but treat it as a new start ... don't take all the c*ap as well
The Files and Settings Transfer Wizard in your programs/accessories is a handy tool for your purposes. It will save not only save the stuff added since you had the computer, but also your mail, account settings etc. You may need to re-intall some of the added programs but they will be there.
Your pop3 settings, favourites/bookmarks, mail folders etc will all be as you left them

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