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Mic problems

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bkeaau | 21:01 Thu 19th Aug 2004 | Technology
7 Answers
I bought a Radio Shack microphone with an adapter, and when I plug it into the computer, I get no response. Any suggestions? By the way, I wanted to use it for Karaoke and I did plug it into the mic jack. The mic works on my old computer, but sounds lousey. I'm using Windows XP. Thanks.


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Have you checked that the "Line-In" is not set to mute in the advance properties of the volume control? Just a thought.
It may sound obvious, but does the microphone need a battery? I the battery inserted the correct way round?
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Yep, I've checked the volume controls to the mic and it doesn't need batteries. Any other possibilities????? Thank you for your responses!!!!!
Is the mic in the mic (line-in) connection and not mistakenly in the headphone connection.
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Nope--it's in the pink mic slot. (I'll have to admit, I tried all the other holes too just in case--being somewhat frustrated).
Have you tried recording with the mic or have you just tried using it as a PA?
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Yes, I've tried recording with it too. To tell you the truth, my son built the computer (did a nice job, but looks like one that a kid would like--lots of lights, speakers, etc.), but he can't figure it out either--however, he hasn't had much time to spend on it. So, if I don't get a solution, don't feel bad. I guess I'll have to get another mic. Thank you for trying.

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