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windows xp

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rob06uk | 22:25 Wed 09th Aug 2006 | Technology
4 Answers
i have a computer running on windows xp pro edition but am having problebs and dont have the original disc,
but i do have windows xp home edition on disc,
will it just overlap if i install or will i be asked which operating system i am wanting to use


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If you are currently running Win XP pro I don't think it will let you do anything with Win XP home edition
been there, done that. the only way to use a disk of the other xp version is on a format & clean install.
Yup ..can't install 'Home' over 'Pro'
Are you feeling knowledgable and brave? Try HERE for instructions on how to make a XP Home CD into an XP Pro CD. The only thing you've got to lose is a blank CD!

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