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Mads | 23:19 Wed 28th Jun 2006 | Technology
4 Answers
Can anyone who knows a bit about computers and programs please tell me what VNC Server Properties (Service Mode) means?

It appreared on all our computers at work...and was wondering what it's for?

Do you know?

Thanks in advance...


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VNC refers to Virtual Network Computing. It effectively means that comptures can share resources without having a full network/server in place.

Service Mode allows a user to access the computer remotely. Perhaps your off-site IT Dept were installing updates????
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Thanks for your answer Gandy...

Sorry for sounding REALLY stupid...but, could this have anything to do with keeping tabs on what people in the office are using their computer for ie content of e-mails etc.

If it's not...would you know if their was any programs that could be installed to check content of e-mails that are being sent during working hours via Hotmail. Would you be able to access them even although they are password protected? Is there anyway round this...

Many thanks once again
Mads - I'm not sure where youre coming from on this but its fairly easy for someone who knows what theyre doing to get your hotmail password etc if you access a hotmail account from your work or a shared computer.

For instance, key stroke recorders (a tiny piece of software thats usually invisible/hidden) will record every key you hit and will show up passwords etc etc. There's more sophisticated software than this too.

If it worries you then dont use work or shared computers for personal stuff.
To expand on Gandy's answer: VNC provides 'remote control' facilities. If you have the server side, this means your machine is able to be remore controlled from another (the viewer). IE someone can operate your computer from another computer on the network.

I believe it also means your machine could be monitored IE someone can watch what you are doing on it. Not sure about this though, and I don't know whether you'd be aware of someone monitoring or not as I've never tried it.

This software is usually used by support personnel to either install new software on the remote machine or to assist users with problems.

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