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Whatsapp Daft Question

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barry1010 | 20:11 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Technology
7 Answers

Mobile phone connected to WiFi. Would WhatsApp work without a SIM card?

I have never used WhatsApp 



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I've never used WhatsApp either.  (My friend in Italy keeps nagging me to install it but, while I enjoy a roughly-once-per-month chat with here, I don't really want to be getting calls and messages from her several times per day!).  So I'm certainly no expert here.  However this looks as if it might help:

so you will need 2 phones!  most people i know only have one!

Question Author

Excellent! A perfect solution to a current problem.

Thanks, Chuck!

I have whatsapp on my tablet but it is linked to my sim in my phone. So I would  have said yes you need a sim card.

Question Author

I need a SIM card but not in the phone I want to use with WhatsApp, so all is good 

Watsapp piggy backs from phone numbers in your contacts. 

So without a sim card you would no longer have those contacts or your own. 

Question Author

That's fine 😊

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