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How Many Results Did I Get?

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Bert45 | 14:52 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Technology
3 Answers

Quite a long time ago, when I googled for anything, at the top of the page of results it would say how many results there had been and how long the search had taken. That stopped, as I said, quite a long time ago. I'd quite like to know why that happened, but, more importantly, I'd like to knowhow to get that feature back. I am non-techy, so answers in words of one syllable, please.



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After searching, click the 'Tools' button (to the right, level with the 'All', 'Images', 'News', etc tabs)
16:23 Mon 02nd Sep 2024

After searching, click the 'Tools' button (to the right, level with the 'All', 'Images', 'News', etc tabs)

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It was a close decision as to the Best Answer, but I chose Etch's, as he told me where 'Tools' was.

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How Many Results Did I Get?

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