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dsvd | 20:42 Thu 20th Jun 2024 | Technology
10 Answers

Hi, how do I download google play store to my windows 10 laptop to install an app called guardpass for work training?




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you don't need to, just google for it.....;hl=en_GB


You will need to download an emulator first.  I used Blue stacks, then install Google Play within that.

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Google Play holds spps that run on Android. You're likely to need to look elsewhere for programmes to run in Windows.

OG, it will run on Windows inside an emulator 

But why emulate something rather than run native code ? Seems odd.

Maybe he doesn't have an android or apple device 

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Tried bluestacks emulator and installed guardpass app but it does work when you click on it. Could I use a public library computer?

I doubt it. I haven't used a library computer for years and don't know the rules 

You'll find that library computers probably won't let you install software.

I would speK to your work to see if they can loan you a android tablet/phone or ipad/iphone to run the app on.

Guardpass is designed to work solely under the Android operating system, which is completely different to Windows.  (Some Android apps can be run under an emulator but, from your own  experience, it seems that Guardpass isn't one of them.  That doesn't really surprise me as, just like banking apps, Guardpass probably requires a high level of security, which isn't available through emulators).

So you're going to need an Android device, such as a phone or tablet, to run Guardpass.  This will solve your problem at very little cost to you:
[NB: That suggestion isn't just from a bit of random googling.  I own one of those tablets myself and I'm very happy to recommend it to you].

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