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Why Are Some Of My Bt Emails Not Being Received?

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newcastle1 | 18:18 Sun 16th Jun 2024 | Technology
2 Answers

Why are some of my BT Emails not being received?

I have been having this problem for a while now, but have not gone to spam/junk and simply don't appear to have been received.

Several people have said that they have emailed me, but they have not been received.

Anyone have any ideas?




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You haven't blocked their domain have you?

The part of email after the @

Mine is as an example 

Firstly are the senders being informed that their mail has bounced? If not then then your account or BT is blocking them. Are they all from the same domain or provider (outlook or gmail for instance)? If they are from different domains or providers, and you are sure that you have not inadvertantly blocked them you may have a BT problem. Be sure that you do not have mail forewarding enabled(unlikely if some email is getting through) or that you have not set up filters to send them to the trash foolder. You can check that in the Settings on the right of your mail page, then Mail, then Rules. You may need to speak to BT tech if no obvious account setting can be highlighted. It is possible that BT is identifying an ip address as blacklisted. In short,could BT be blocking the domain or IP address even though it appears to be sending the emails and not informing the sender, for example it just reports to the sender it's been sent but it never forwards the email to the recipients mail server? 

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Why Are Some Of My Bt Emails Not Being Received?

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