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Black Screen -Please Help

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Prudie | 19:57 Tue 14th May 2024 | Technology
20 Answers

Please can someone help me, I'm so frustrated I'm almost in tears. About 3 hours ago I was on my laptop as usual, all was good when the phone rang and I lifted my laptop off my lap and onto the floor and as I did the screen went black. It has not come back to life since, no lights, nothing. The charging lead works (i've tried it in something else), I've tried one online suggestion of pressing the on button for a minute. That did nothing, another solution was take the battery out but I've not tried that, it involves undoing about 7 different screws. 

Has anyone idea what can have happened and what I can do ? It's an ASUS Vivobook and not much more than a year old at most. I am utterly distraught without it.



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Maybe a loose connection. Have you tried tapping it ?

Aside from that try rebooting from a pen drive or floppy or something.


Is there something else you can plug in to it and try to use it as a monitor ?


Have you tried using it from power from the mains ? Is the brightness at the right level ?

Have you tried pressing, and holding, the following: Windows key, ctrl, shift and then press B.

Is the power led light showing on? 

Question Author

Thanks OG but it was connected to the mains via a charging lead but it is as good as completely off everywhere. How can this happen just by putting it down? There is no power at all.

Floppy or pendrive evades me :-( I don't have a disk drive and what usb device would help it reboot? 

I was going to suggest that after knowing that it was showing on and operating. You need to have all 4 keys engaged at the same time Prudie( if the led light is showing on) Windows icon key, ctrl, shift, b simultaneously. 

Sounds like the screen has gone or at least the power to it. Do you have a a spare monitor, either USB or serial? Plug it in and turn on the lap top, it should use that as a slave then you can see what's going on.

If it had been on and on your lap( not a good idea) then it would have been pretty warm I would imagine. Being warm/hot in what is a tight space and with the resulting expansion, any slight flexing of the innards may have caused a short circuit resulting in a fuse or thermal link blowing. As you picked it up, probably one handed, it may have been enough to cause the short. I would never, never, use a laptop on my lap. Asking for overheating problems and thermal runaway issues.  

Try a call to Asus UK Support tomorrow, between 0900 and 1700:
 08000 260 440 (Free)

Prudie ...   remove the powrr adaptor(important) and any other usb devices or hdmi leads etc that you have connected. Just the Asus with nothing plugged in. Press the power button for 40 seconds. Then plug in the adaptor and see whether you can restart it. 

Good points above.


Has it cooled down now ? And if so have you retried it ?

Question Author

Togo it had only been on about 10 mins as I was'nt long in from work. I would have to say I sit with a laptop on my lap every night and have done for years. It only balances on one thigh, there is plenty of free room underneah, it doesn't get hot. 

I don't believe tbh it's the screen and plugging into a monitor wouldn't work either because there is zero power/lights anywhere. It's utterly dead.

Question Author

I do appreciate everyone's help. I did look at some stuff online. I've taken out everything (power lead, usbs etc), pressed the button lots of times for a minute and nthing. I am wondering now if the power button is stuck down, it seems lower than the others.

I might very well try that Asusu helpline, thanks Chris.

Ok try this, Unplug then remove the battery and then plug it in to the mains again. I had a similar issue with a duff battery in place.

Check any fuses. If you have a meter try to check the voltage the charger supplies, in order to id where the issue is.


May need a trip to your local computer repair shop tomorrow.

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Yes taking the battery out seems to be the next thing BUT it needs the removal of 7 screws on the back with a hex/star shaped hole and we don't have that tool.

This'll probably do you: User Recommendationref=sr_1_25?crid=24N5N6FKT7LZ6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.otPN0OVaQhWez1ra6CnKvLzGoQHfsE4R17Ej3gzxMU31eBO4rCMWwM6tZgG4H0rER0J6nk6QN3KwId6PrBhYqoK0S7EPe_5tpBwA_5fXuwNKJu1sjBPnN5MZKQd60LfmdYr_Rb_XeKM_PpX7ZBbgjqZHXX1lUvzYKTrwA1xveFnKrdfATT2DtMnPPXBL8Gm7aJ1f8jTBGzTXEEDC51DxL8oVvvSNBlFO9cLJdX6MzN7gIb4OhASssvpgFKI_37kstgfVfXuvRA1IqtRgytE73slEYpS_CLDZlM7VNMFG1P0.MclNThQq1oirNfET5VHO3ifTyJM_ZxGtzFN1Y-6jVg4&dib_tag=se&keywords=torx+screwdriver+sets&qid=1715715925&sprefix=torx+%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-25

Two suggestions.

When this happened to me on my last laptop'( hp not acer) I followed a tip that sounded silly but I was desperate- press the escape key repeatedly about 100 times. It worked! Second to follow as I'm being called

This happens regularly now after it goes to sleep or if the battery runs down .

I have to turn it on, turn it off holding down the key for 30 seconds; repeat this until it either comes on or after about 20 attempts it opens with an error message and gives me options for restarting.

It's a pain. I changed my battery at a cost of £50 as thstcwas showing as the problem but within a week it recurred again and does so regularly.

I should get a new one as its over 4 years old

Typo...after 10 attempts not 20

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Just to give you an update a repair shop has had a look and said some circuits have burnt out on the motherboard and it's not worth repairing. I've now found the receipt, it is just 18months old and cost £799. ASUS support guy was unhelpful and almost rude. 

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Black Screen -Please Help

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