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Freeview Box

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porkchop | 15:31 Fri 01st Dec 2023 | Technology
6 Answers

I have a Freeview box to get terrestrial TV on my old analog Sony TV. Is it still possible to record a programme on the TV using a Sony DVD recorder without having to connect the recorder to the Freevie box?



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Apologies, I was too quick to answer.

What model DVD recorder? If it has a Freeview tuner, yes.  If not, no.

Question Author

thanks Barry1010. I have two models. Sony RDR-GX350 and also a Sony RDR -HX750. Are these now obselete or have they any use?

The first is analogue only but the second should be okay.  Try it out

Question Author

thanks. I will give it a try, getting all the cables in correct slots is a job in itself.

Fun, fun, fun.  At least you will get a chance to dust the back of your tv and other stuff.  And the skirting board 

Let us know if it works.

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