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Stargazer | 22:24 Wed 10th Aug 2022 | Technology
19 Answers
how to view what is on a USB stick which I have inserted into my MacBook Air? It has photos on . it which my brother took off from my old desk top computer. He does not use Mac so does not know how to view it on my machine and it was posted to me by him from half way across the country.


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If the MacBook hasn't detected the USB drive and opened it automatically:

1) Click "Finder" from the Mac's Dock.
2) Click the name of the USB flash drive in the left pane under "Devices."

The contents should now appear in the right pane.
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what is the Mac's Dock? Sorry but I am computer illiterate!
Why do you have a Mac book air if you’re computer illiterate?
Anyway…..this should help. Less than 3 mins long
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Zac it was bought for me and I have never been taught how to do stuff on it. However, I have now managed to get the photos up without even having to look at your link Thank you anyway.
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An icon tells me to "eject"photos before pulling out the USB. How do I do that please?
Hi, Stargazer, you might find this helpful

My first PC came with a small 'Set Up Your PC' guide, a huge user manual and an even bigger manual for using DOS. Those days are long gone
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JimF I cannot do it. I get up Finder but there is no heading called Devices. My USB stick is still stuck in.
Yesterday you posted "I have now managed to get the photos up", so what is it that you cannot do?

To eject a portable drive, just drag it to the trash.
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Yes,I managed to view the photos but a small thingy appeared on my screen telling me to eject photos and not to unplug the USB stick. Nothing appears on the screen and I can get into Finder and click on desktop but it does not tell ne how to eject.
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I don't know what to click on or how to drag it to the trash - is that Bin on the bottom right corner of the line up of my things?
If you close all windows, the icon for the usb drive should be on the desktop somewhere. If you haven't got other stuff on the desktop, it will be near the top right.
Yes that's the Bin Stargazer. Just click on whatever you want to put in there, keep hold of it by dragging it with your cursor and drop it in the bin. YouTube is very helpful if you need to be shown almost anything to do with a Mac. You'll love it when you get used to it, they're brilliant.
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still stuck. There is no icon on my screen relating to photos and when I click on Finder, Desktop no longer appears.
Click on the desktop. From the File menu at the top, select New Finder Window. Can you find the usb drive?
The Finder is the interface of the operating system.

The Desktop is the screen you see. Any drive that you use has its own desktop, but they all show on the same screen. To demonstrate that, once we get to the bit about the usb drive, if you take a file from there and put it on the desktop once you eject the drive you will see the file also disappear.

Now for the usb drive. Look at the screen - you will see whatever you have on the desktop. Now stick in the usb drive (if not already in). You should see another icon appear - or already have an icon for it.

It’s important to note that when it comes to ejecting it, that you select the icon NOT the contents, as that will put the contents in the bin. Once you have the icon just click and hold and drag to the bin.

The video that was provided earlier demonstrates insertion of a usb disk.

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tried that. New Window does not show anything re photos. The USB is still plugged in and lit. There is nothing on the desktop though.
Sorry, I don't know what else to suggest.
When you say there is nothing on the desktop, do you mean there are no icons at all?

If so go to the Finder menu and select Preferences. Then click on General. You should now see Hard Disks, External Disks, CDs, DVDs and iPods. Make sure they are all ticked. Then click the red dot to close the window. Now do you see the usb icon?

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