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Google Play Music - Any Decent Free Alternatives??

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Gizmonster | 13:53 Sat 12th Sep 2020 | Technology
5 Answers
I have a Google Home Mini and currently use the Google Play Music app to play music.
I have uploaded approx 400 CD's to my music library and created a few playlists that I can play through GPM. However, GPM is being discontinued this year and I was prompted to transfer my entire library to YouTube Music .... which I have done.

However, when I set YTM as my default music player and try and play either an album or a playlist, it tells me that this service is only available to premium YTM users.
Now I don't use the service anywhere near enough to justify me paying for a monthly subscription. I just want a service that will let me play specific albums and playlists for free, like GPM curently does.
Does anyone know of any alternative services where I can transfer my library to and play albums and playlists .... all for free of course :)


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Have you tried Spotify .
Having converted my CD library to mp3 and placed it on my ipod, I now get all my new tracks from youtube and do the same.

All my music is backed up on an external drive.
Spotify, as suggested by Musictv2019, would seem to be an obvious choice.

There's no 'official' way of transferring your playlists between the two services but there are several third-party ways of doing it, most of which require payment. TuneMyMusic is free though for their basic service (which is all you should need anyway):
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Sorry for the delay in getting back to this ..... been a drag setting up a Spotify account and creating several playlists ..... only to find out that I need a premium account in order to be able to play my playlists on my Google Home Mini.
I would have liked to be able to play a playlist by talking to my Home Mini.
However, I opened Spotify on my laptop and thought I'd play one of my newly created playlists and it started playing it through my Home Mini. "Result" I thought. At least I could start the playlist off on my laptop and let it play on my Home Mini ...... not quite. It plays the playlist, but shuffle is on and it won't let me turn it off. I suppose that will have to do ..... there's no way I'm paying for something that I'll probably only use a few times a year.
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