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Laptop Query

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charliesteve | 19:34 Tue 21st Apr 2020 | Technology
8 Answers
Hi I have just purchased an HP Laptop which doesn't appear to have a button to press to open the lid like my last one did. I have just pulled it up to open it. Do some laptops not come with a button to open the lid or have I broken mine and there is a button hidden somewhere. Might seem a daft question but have to ask it anyway.


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i've never had a laptop with a button to open the lid
I have never had a lap top that opened with a button, just lift and go.
I haven't seen a new laptop with a button to open for I don't know how long.
I'd regard a button as a rarity. My laptop and netbook are both 'pull to open', as are the vast majority of laptops I've bough cheaply at auction.
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Just goes to show how long ago I had my last laptop and thanks for the replies at least I haven't broken it
Yes the one I am using also does not have one. Basically the flap is now stronger and not as easy to push out. Hence the mechanics are different.
I have a Lenovo which has a sliding button to open.
I've never seen an HP with an opening button.

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