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When All Else Fails......

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xstitcher | 18:54 Sun 28th Jul 2019 | Technology
12 Answers
I’ve been trying for months with no success to Google to stop text from moving when replying to some emails......


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what computer operating system? what email program?
Question Author
I have an iPad and use outlook express.
text moving from where to where?
I used to have the same problem when writing emails on my laptop. It was because I was inadvertently brushing the touchpad whilst typing. Solution: turn off the touchpad and use a mouse instead.
clean your screen
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Prudie it moves from right to left so that I can’t see what I’ve begun to write.
Clean my screen?? How helpful.
Sounds like your display is too big to be accommodated within the screen. Can you set to "shrink to fit" or something similar?
Question Author
Thanks new judge will see if I can do that.
On my android touch screen I can shrink the screen contents by touching the screen with thumb and finger and moving them together.
Question Author
Thanks OG. I’ll try that too. This only happens sometimes when I use reply and never I’d I write a new mail.
I have occasionally had a similar problem with my tablet in that the keyboard section covered the space where I wanted to write. It was actually solved by turning the tablet to portrait view rather than holding it landscape.

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When All Else Fails......

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