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Battery Usage

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Bazile | 20:50 Tue 09th Jul 2019 | Technology
5 Answers
Just noticed that the battery charge on my phone is very low despite it been fully charged a few hours ago

I haven't been doing anything that would require high battery usage
( Google photos has been trying to back up over 500 photos for over a week now - I don't know if that requires a lot of battery energy )

I have looked at the battery info usage and it states that Google play services has used the most

But I haven't knowingly been using play services

Could something linked to play services be on - and how can I check ?


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as you have google im assuming its an android phone, id recalibrate
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Thanks both
I've done a tweak and will monitor the situation

I've tried searching the 'howtogeek ' site for a solution to - photos taking forever to back up .
I've got over 500 and it does not seem to be making much in road into reducing the amount even though it says 'backing up / getting ready to back up '

Would you mind searching to see if any info comes up ?
I'm probably typing in the wrong search criteria into the search box ?


You've not indicated how you're trying to back up your photos. I assume that it's into some form of cloud storage but there are still plenty of options there. If you're using Google Photos though, this thread might be relevant:
another problem? with todays new phones is you cannot change the batteries anymore, less you take it to a phone tech repair shop and may charge £30 and up for taking the phone apart and putting in a new one, when the battery is only worth a £10 or less, i now buy used phones..i like samsungs, after the s5 series you cannot change the i bought a used galaxy note 4 great phone does everything i want and more...+ i have a spare battery for it.

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