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How Warm Should Plug/transformers Get?

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bainbrig | 11:22 Fri 17th May 2019 | Technology
7 Answers
Mrs B has been worried lately over how ‘hot’ (I’d call it warm) various plug-in transformers get. There are several of them in a trailing socket next to where we sit - LED lights, Mac power line, iPad chargers, landline phone base station. The ‘warmest’ is probably the LED uplighter.

Is there any rule-of-thumb for such heat?


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If connected to something on then they get as warm as they get. If connected to something off and they get warm, that's a good time to investigate.

Be concerned if they suddenly get warmer than they have previously, or if you see smoke or flames.
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Helpful, geezer.
If they get so 'warm' they are hot to the touch, it is time to get rid of them! They are always warm, due to the fact that transformers produce some waste heat !
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Thanks Eddie. These aren’t hot to the touch, just warm - I define hot as being hard to keep fingers/hands on.
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I’ll always wonder how raelyn224 offended public decency earlier on. Didn’t think this was a contentious issue!
Your query was similar to , "How long is a piece of string ?"
Weren't likely to find anyone who'd have an exact answer.

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How Warm Should Plug/transformers Get?

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