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Cordless Phones

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Giggsie | 19:59 Sat 04th Nov 2017 | Technology
6 Answers
I am in need of new phones. Any one have praise for any special make model? Meantime I have Panasonic but about 10yrs old. I need set of 3/4.


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this has got "which" best buy
get a BT 8500 it has call blocking
so has my recommendation
You've had a Panasonic for about 10 years, I'd be looking for the same make.
Why are you looking for a replacement?
Question Author
Thanks for replies been checking these out. Bhg mine don't have call barring or answering machine. But that said been excellent phones.
We've had a Panasonic system for about the same length of time as you and no problems apart from handset batteries failing but they are just standard rechargeable AAAs, so no problem there. We do have an answer system built in but many phone service providers offer call barring and answer services, so that might be an option for you.

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Cordless Phones

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