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Windows 10

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larrymacuk | 01:47 Wed 27th Jan 2016 | Technology
5 Answers
I have now got windows 10 on my tablet how do I take windows 8 of my system is it okay to delete the folder C:\Windows.old?


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01:50 Wed 27th Jan 2016
Not everyone wants to retain Windows 10. If you keep the Windows.old folder you'll be able to revert to Windows 8 at any time within a month of installing Windows 10. So it might be best to keep it.

If you don't go back to Windows 8 within a month, the Windows.old folder will then be automatically deleted.

If you really want to get rid of it straight away, make sure that you use the correct method:
My windows.old mysteriously disappeared which was *extremely* annoying. Had no idea what the h ell happened. Now I discover it was an evil controlling MS interference with MY PERSONAL PC ?! They get worse and worse and worse and worse and ...
as buenchico said old gezzer "If you don't go back to Windows 8 within a month, the Windows.old folder will then be automatically deleted. "
That is where I just discover that. MS have no right to go deleting my directories on my PC. It's not theirs. They only provide the various versions of OS ! It ought to be internationally illegal.

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