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Chirping Mobile Phone

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tigerlelly | 16:28 Thu 05th Dec 2013 | Technology
9 Answers
My phone keeps chirping today. I've only had it about 6 months so not wearing out and it is fully charged. No texts etc. coming in so why is it doing it? Could it be interference from my daughter's laptop which is on wireless connection to our broadband?


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Has a budgie sneaked into it? :-)
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E-mails is another question. My phone has stopped recognising my Hotmail password although it's still ok on computers, so could be notifying me about e-mails but no way to access them.
I've suddenly started to get chirrups when items I'm watching on eBay are coming to an end - that's not only new but also very irritating!
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Yep, hooked up the laptop next to phone and chirps correspond to e-mails coming in so how come phone won't let me access them to read them?
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Yes, Methyl but m y address is still @Hotmail etc
So is mine, when Outlook superseded Hotmail, no details changed.

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