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Wireless access

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Ads | 13:20 Mon 16th May 2005 | Technology
2 Answers

When I click on the wireless icon when I want to access the internet, a message comes up saying that Windows couldn't configure the wireless network, or something like that.

I have to click on "Change advanced settings", then on the "Wireless Networks" tab, and then tick the box that says "Use Windows to configure my wireless networks settings".

The wireless facility then works fine. It only takes a minute to do each time, but is there any way of getting the computer to remember this so that I don't have to go through this process every time?



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Try going to Services, if you are using XP - Control Panel/Administrative Tasks/Services, there is a service called "Wireless Zero Configuration" Select this and elect to start automatically, this may be your solution
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I've just tried that - and under Startup type it says Automatic. And yet it doesn't start automatically.

I'm at a complete loss - the Windows support website says the default has the box ticked next to Use Windows To Configure My Wireless Network Settings, but on my system the default is it is turned off . . . and I can't get it to change.

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Wireless access

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