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Email accounts on Vista and spam

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GSD4ME | 13:15 Wed 12th May 2010 | Internet
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Pre Vista, I used to have a W97 machine and to access the emails from the server, Outlook just downloaded them all and I used email "rules" to put them in the relevant folder for my wife or I, depending on the destination address. With this method, it was also easy to delete 'spam' etc as the emails were downloaded and anything that was not destined for either of us was deleted on being downloaded.

Now that we have Vista , and with it Microsoft Mail, we have separate user accounts to download emails from our webmail server. However, I cannot find any sort of method of downloading (for deletion) the spam rubbish that we get.

So, eg, if there are messages for me@ouraccount, Mail can download these. SImilarly, anything for wife@ouraccount gets through to her. However, if you log on to the web mail server, there are lots of things like xxyycc@ouraccount that are not being downloaded. To delete these, I have to log on to the web mail server regularly and manually delete them - a real pain.
Can anyone tell me how to set up a system in Windows Mail whereby these spam emails are downloaded and then I can set up a rule to delete them as they are received by Mail? Mail seems to be driven by the user account names to match what it wants to download, so anything that is not "me" or "wife" is just left

Many thanks


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I think you may have to set that at the server's end to download everything (and delete that has been downloaded.

I have a spam folder in my deleted folder so that I only have to look over the spam and pick out any genuine mail, then delete the spam and it will be deleted completely.

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Email accounts on Vista and spam

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