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Ethernet "splitter"

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spaced | 14:13 Mon 26th Nov 2007 | Computers
7 Answers

Seems to be some confusion in my last post, as I didnt make myself clear tion485031.html

Let me start again - My BT Voyager Router 210 only has 1 x Ethernet and 1 x USB socket. I want a box that splits one ethernet cable from the router, into 2. So a little box with one connection for the router cable coming from the router which has 2 other sockets so I can plug in 2 ethernet cables into, thus allowing 2 cables into one routher (laptop and PC). Not interested in the USB, just ethernet. So like a hub with multiple connections for eternet.



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If you visit and put the following code in the quicklinx box - 22ZKWS. It is a five port 10/100 switch.
This is the sort of thing that you need.
Question Author
fantastic! Thats excellent! Is there anything simpler, this looks great but not sure why it needs power if its only double one connection to 2 (excuse my stupidness!)

Hi again

you can't do what you describe ... with an "adapter" - you need an ethernet hub/switch

If you have a pc with two ethernet cards you could use sharing ...(ICS)

but its fiddly

my previous answer stands ... you need a hub/switch .... the smallest I've seen is a 4 port hub/switch - if it's just to share an internet connection ... get a cheap one ... if you want to swap files ... pay a little more.

this should be adequate for your needs netgear/switch-fast-ethernet-5-po.html?srcid=8 67

connect it to your router ... connect PCs to it

or for more choice b&btnG=Search&hl=en&show=dd&scoring=p
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BT Voyager 210 is an ASDL router. Can I still use your recomendations Troll and Neil?
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Ethernet "splitter"

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