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Outlook Express Or Microsoft Office Outlook

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Coldicote | 19:20 Sat 30th Nov 2013 | Computers
3 Answers
I normally use Outlook Express but see I also have on my computer Microsoft Office Outlook. What is the difference between the two please? Does Ms Outlook do anything that Outlook Express does not? Thanks for advice.


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Outlook Express is the "free" version of Outlook that came with Windows XP. In later version of Windows it was renamed to Windows Mail then Windows Live Mail. It has now been removed from Windows 8.

Microsoft Office Outlook is the version of Outlook that is included with Microsoft Office.

The Microsoft Office Outlook product is the better as it has more features and does calendaring and other extras.
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Thanks very much VHG. I have a better understanding of it now and think I'll stick with Outlook Express which has been serving me well with Windows XP.
Microsoft don't support Outlook Express anymore as XP comes to the end of its support life soon . Your best email replacement is Windows Live Mail which is part of Windows Live Essentials it is easy to use and will do all that you need.

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Outlook Express Or Microsoft Office Outlook

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