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Silly me in my spam folder then realised what l had done. When l clicked on it, it said Server not found. Deleted all my history and can't see anything suspicious this morning. Does this mean... ...
Last summer we had a new Mobil mast erected in the area we all assumed to help with poor coverage. Seven months later still no better signal . I went onto a site which shows all masts this ones... ...
Have been with New Outlook for my emails for over a year now and had let my Office 365 lapse as there seemed no difference but seemed to need more storage so have purchased Offfice 365 for £19.99... ...
When I took out my Prime subscription some years ago my wife shares the benefits of using prime for deliveries, prime reading etc, If I take out a subscprition for Kindle unlimited does that work... ...
Really weird - okay my Asus is ancient and I'm awaiting a fairly substantial bank credit from the Pensions folk to arrive on my account and a new laptop with Windows 11 will be... ...
I have loads of photos on my laptop (Windows 10) and I don't have them backed up (stupid, I know) Does anyone with experience know the best place to back them up please?
Just switched on my PC. My menu is Firefox. For some reason the size of the display on firefox has gone down by about 50%. How do I get it back to what it was? I can assure you I've done nothing to... ...
I have completely forgotten the six digit code to get past the Lock Screen of my iPhone and am now locked out. is there a way to reset it without the need to use iTunes? All my family use Windows... ...
Ok I understand AI is short for Artificial Intelligence. But what do we really understand about it, and how do we expect it to affect our lives. My understanding of AI all be it not that MUCH,... ...
I have a number of items - doc, mp3, mp4 etc etc etc, & i want to place each on in a folder of its own, with the folder named after the item. So one item in each folder.
I have come across an old PC that I would like to turn on. However, before plugging in an IEC lead into it I want to make sure I have the correct fuse. (Using a 13amp IEC lead - UK) Below are my... ...
Hi, can anyone tell me what the legal implications of asking ChatGPT to create something and then copying it to use in a work by yourself is? Some websites say it's ok and others say you should... ...
Asking this on behalf of a friend: their phone (on Android/EE) syncs fine with the radio system in their vehicle - a van it. Last night they were 5 miles from home in their van and his wife... ...
Can anyone explain how I prevent my Windows 11 Home laptop showing a page about converting PDFs when first logging on. No idea where it has come from. It only started a few days ago. I've looked... ...