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Le Tour

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penelope2 | 15:40 Fri 20th Jul 2012 | Sport
8 Answers
Another win for a Brit, nice one Cav !!!!!


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Mr Cavendish I presume?

Am not following it other than the bits on TV and what I read on here.
Is it looking like a UK 1st, 2nd, 3rd?
Amazing skill and stamina and determination.
Absolutely alba, not like 9.7seconds sprint in the 100 mts and it is all over.
A superb win, well done Cav!
Brits 1st and 2nd overall Alba and yes Mark Cavendish.
Bodes well for the Olympics. Well done, boys.
I hope they get the numpty who threw the tacks. Silly, puerile and potentially lethal.
But what sportsmans-ship from Mr Wiggans (?) and the rest of the leaders.
I know, old news, but that behaviour from real sportsmen deserves to be repeated IMO.
I agree, alba. I was really impressed by Bradley. Nice to see that there are still gentlemen in sport.
Highlights at 7pm on ITV4.
It was a fantastic display of sprinting power at the end from Cav.
The Brits are doing us proud in Le Tour.

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