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Fantasy Football 2024/25...

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Lie-in King | 13:42 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | Football
49 Answers

Hi everyone - sadly, Sky have discontinued this.  A message on their home page reads -

"Sky Sports Fantasy Football will not be returning for the 2024/25 Premier League season. We would like to thank our loyal community of players for your enthusiasm for the game over the last 15 years. You can still log in to Super 6 and Sky Bet with your Sky Sports Fantasy Football account details as normal."

I haven't looked for another free-to-enter competition, but if anyone else cares to, please carry on! 

I'd like to thank all the Managers that joined the AB League over the years.  I greatly enjoyed my tenure as organiser & hope everyone had some fun along the way 😊

"As one door shuts, another door opens - no two ways about it"
Glenn Hoddle



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Apologies, I forgot to sort out the spacing 😒

Lazy sod!  I jest of course, your updates have being exceptional over the past years I thank you for that. Xx

If they're is a free to play one and a new AB league I as always will be happy to Join.

Would this be of any use, L-I K?

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Thanks for all your help, Igor.

I mean Arky! 😉

Hazlinny - thank you, my hope is that someone else will take up the mantle of organiser, I'd really like a break this year 😘

Watch it Young Franken furter 👨‍🎓

I can appreciate you needing a Break.... I'd take up the mantle but really not about often enough to run it.


... and you're welcome. I believe that the England jobs still up for grabs if you fancy a break.

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Bumping the OP.

As I said above, I'm happy to pass on the responsibility for finding & organising a new league this season.

If we don't have a 2024/25 league, I might take it up again for 2025/26, but I'm sorry, I can't promise.

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Another bump - if you're usually involved & haven't read the thread, please do so 🙂

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I wonder why seems no explanation, but yes I did log in when at home... still seems odd to me.

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Arky - do you mean why no explanation from Sky?  I guess they're cost-cutting?  🤷‍♂️ 🤔

Maybe, yes that's what I meant.... but isn't it funny how they're keeping their betting sites open.🤔

If anyone does decide to play a Fantasy Football season, probably, the best site is the Fantasy Premier League site rather that one of the red top newspapers or some other politically affiliated site. The usual faff with registration still applies and all you sky subscribers, like me, will now have no compunction regarding cancelling the sky subscription. It has become expensive and increasingly inclined towards a social engineering agenda anyway. Perhaps they will launch a womens fantasy football league comp instead and stop giving the mens footie results altogether. 


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Arky - the house always wins!

Togo - yes, that's the one Hazlinny posted up there ^^^ - I had a very quick look.  As I've said, I'm not going to start a new League this season, but if someone else wants to...

Thanks, Lie-in King. 

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Just another bump for all the stuff above.

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Bumping again, in case anyone's missed the thread.

Just for info, the new season kicks-off tomorrow evening, with Man Utd v Fulham.

And that'be an 8.00pm kick off. As dodgy as United were last season never knowing what team is going to turn up... I'm more optimistic this season... hoping more like the FA cup final.

I have created a league called "Answebank League" on 

The league code is 22ya9t if anyone wants to join ..Boing Boing!

Answerbank League

of course🤣

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