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Esta Application

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tearinghair | 18:50 Mon 01st Apr 2019 | Spam & Scams
8 Answers
Have received an email from telling me that I need to renew my ESTA for travel to USA. I think this is a scam - or at least, a company that will charge over the odds. However, I think it probably is out of date, but I can't find it to check. The official website doesn't seem to cover this eventuality. Can anyone help, please?


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I don’t think the official website will let you renew if your ESTA is still valid. It wouldn’t let my OH.
If your visit to the United States is outside of the date you have left on your current ESTA, you will have to re-apply on the ESTA U.S Department of Homeland Security website, which is here....

The website that has sent you the reminder appears to be legit, but I personally wouldn't trust them, and they will charge you a payment for using their service.

On the legitimate website i have sent you, you'll only pay the processing fee of US $4 dollars and, when authorised, additional US $10 dollars, which you can pay by card, which will convert the payment into £ Sterling.

Have a great trip, tearinghair
p.s *If you are in any doubt that your current ESTA is out of its 2 year time limit, I would re-apply.

*You can do this on the website, under check status and retrieve information.
I think that if you go to the DHS website there is a facility to check the status of my application. It will ask for your passport number and tell you when it expires.
Scroll down to 'Returning Applicants Check ESTA Status' and then 'Check Individual Status' ....If you know your application number from last time select option 1 ( I don't think you do )....If not, option 2 and you only need to put in a few Passport details and you can retrieve the current status to find out when your ESTA runs out.

(Apologies for staggered posting ..this is due to my multi tasking of watching the Arsenal vs Newcastle game, making some work phone calls, and answering several tweets,WhatsApp,FB, and text messages,whilst having a dessert of my wife's home made bread and butter pudding and custard ☺ )
Zebo is on the case, I wasn't
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Thank you very much, you're all stars. I'll sort it out tomorrow.

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